Monday, 31 August 2009


The results of our gardening efforts can be seen below. We have been growing cabbages. This was fine until the “cabbage white butterflies” took an interest in them. Despite picking off the eggs and removing the growing caterpillars when we saw them we now have skeletal cabbage plants and HUGE great caterpillars. Like this one…

Catapillar 001 Catapillar 002

We won’t bother with cabbages again next year.

Friday, 21 August 2009


Two of the cats have hypothyroidism, so we have regular weigh ins at the vet now. They went today. One has gone up slightly, the other has stayed the same as last month. So we go back again next month for another weigh in and another £60 on 30 tablets each this month!

In June they were both 4.1 kg. In July one was 3.9 kg, the other was 3.55. In August one was still 3.9 kg and the other was now 3.6 kg.

Thursday, 20 August 2009

time off

Sorry to my readers: I have had some time out with the family recently.
2 kids have been with me, which has been fun. They went back to Florida on Tuesday.
My wife has been operated on - finally. A cyst about 10 cm in diameter was removed. She now has an impressive scar and is on strict "no lifting or bending" for six weeks!
More posts maybe later on!