Tuesday, 10 February 2009

WRI & RC1 and British Gas 330 Boiler

I had fun last night with the central heating. It wouldn't turn off! We thought there had been a problem for a few nights as it got very warm, but the weather has been quite cold so it didn't matter too much. But last night it woke me up it was so hot.
I came downstairs and checked the timer. It was off. However the boiler was lit and the pump was running. After some messing around, turning it off and on again (well, it works on computers) and checking the Wireless Thermostat Receiver (WRI) in the airing cupboard I thought that maybe the batteries in the thermostat (RC1) had died or were dying, so I changed them.
All seemed well. 
I ran some tests during the day and it seemed to shut down and start up normally. Then tonight at 11 pm we noticed it was still running again. I checked the timer: it was set to turn off at 11 pm and it appeared to have shut down on the timer, but the boiler was lit and the WRI was reporting it was active. To get it to shut down I turned the boiler off.
I guess tomorrow I'll have to call British Gas :) Lucky I've got a service contract!
Odd that this seemed to have started since the service visit to check the water leak from the boiler. The water leak was apparently due to the condensation drip tray overflowing after the drain pipe froze. However the weather has been too cold for us to notice a problem before now.


cy catlow said...

Hi, was wondering if you got problem with boiler fixed as i have the same symptoms. Like to know what the outcome was as I do not have any cover. Appreciate any assistance at all. Thanks,


Unknown said...

I have added more detail in the follow up posts called "Boiler Guy" and "Boiler Again"