Well, as I sort of predicted, my Broadband didn't change over at midnight last night. My service is still working via my "old" router and my new BT home hub is sitting quietly on the desk with the "broadband" service light dark. When I'm feeling stronger I'll give them another call and see what's happening with it.
We had sort of planned to go out shopping last night as the cupboards were looking a bit bare, then we decided to stay in. So I made a prawn risotto for our evening meal. BUT this meant there was still a food shortage. When I looked into this in more detail there were some basics around so I as I was supposed to be dropping some stuff off at the Post Office I walked down to town, calling in at Tesco on the way back and got stuff for Saturday breakfast and for meals until Wednesday.
We are visiting my mother over the weekend, so we don't need meals on Saturday and Sunday other than Saturday breakfast and something on Sunday night. I suggested we get a pizza on Sunday evening if we need one after Mum has fed us. We had some chicken, fish and mince in the freezer so the plan is chicken with cous-cous on Monday, pasta bolognese on Tuesday and fish on Wednesday. Maria may go shopping on Wednesday while I'm in the hospital having the surgery on my elbow for my trapped nerve. I suspect that I won't be very hungry Wednesday night despite being "nil by mouth" from 8 am but I should be able to manage fish, chips and beans. I picked up some stuff for Maria to have for lunch - but forgot to get anything for me. So I'll probably have to go out again on Monday!
I walked back through the woods of the Hogmoor Inclosure, which is where I took this picture. Assuming the "eco-town" bid gets approved and they build 5,500 new homes in Bordon & Whitehill they will probably put a "relief road" along the route of the old Longmoor Military Railway - pretty much exactly where this picture was taken (the railway route was to the left of the picture in a cutting). In fact, they will probably build the new homes even without the "eco-town" funding so we'll either have traffic grid-lock through the town or a dual carriageway through this wood. According to the "Bordon Herald" the planners are meeting in London to discuss the transport options for the town. So they may decide to re-instate a railway link either north to the Alton service or south down to Liphook.
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