Monday, 2 March 2009

Basingstoke North Hampshire Hospital

We've been spending time at the North Hampshire Hospital in Basingstoke this weekend.
We initially went to the "ThamesDoc" - our GP's out of hours service - at the local community hospital, The Chase at 8:30 on Saturday night as Maria had severe pain and her leg kept going numb or feeling "hot". She got sent to A&E by the doctor at about 9 pm as he said she needed an ultrasound scan. We got to Basingstoke about 9:45 and got seen by the triage nurse fairly quickly. I had managed to drop her off at the main entrance, park the car and then spent 15 minutes roaming round the hospital looking for the Emergency department. The Emergency Department is BEHIND YOU as you stand looking at the sign by the Main Entrance, so of course I went the other way :-). After having blood pressure and temperature taken by the Triage nurse we were then moved into another room, blood was taken and we were left to wait. After an hour her blood pressure and temperature was taken again. A bit later a Doctor came to see her. He said they didn't do ultrasound scans overnight so she should go home and see her GP on Monday, but he would request a scan anyway. We got home soon after 1 am on Sunday.
This morning, I'm over in Alton at 9:15 for a meeting. I've made an appointment for her to see the GP at 3 pm as well. Then Maria calls to say that the hospital have rung up and would like her to come in for a scan at 11 am. So I leave the meeting and head home, then then we go back to Basingstoke, arriving at 10:50!
They tried the scan at 11:10, but complained that her bladder wasn't full enough, so we got sent away to drink water for 40 minutes. When we got back we'd been elevated to seeing the consultant - Dr Green, and also testing a new ultrasound machine too.
They found the cause and explained the pain. Dr Green is going to refer her on to "Obs and Gynae" for treatment so I won't be going into any details here! So she rang the GP to cancel the appointment and to let him know what was going on.

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