Tuesday, 10 March 2009

Quiet days

Sunday and Monday were very quiet... Not doing much, taking pain killers mostly and updating the "pain diary" - keeping track of what hurts and when.
Yesterday (Monday) Maria broke out a jigsaw: one of the Christmas ones that we hadn't started yet. I went into town to get some things, drop of a request for more pain killers at the doctor and I ran in Alan at Tesco, he's looking good, the chemo treatments seem to be helping a lot.
I rang the insurance company as we'd had the renewal forms through. It appears that they have been over charging me for insurance for years as we have separate policies for contents and buildings. I merged them, and that alone has saved £450 a year. However the lowest alternative quote I have is about £200 less than the latest combined quote from the current company. I'll do some more digging into best value I think.
I rang her boss at work, she hadn't been told anything about why Maria was off - communication breakdown or protection of privacy perhaps.
Today I went to the chemist to get the pain killers. I also rang the bank about the mortgage as our current deal ends on 31st March. I signed up for a new "tracker" mortgage which will save another £40 a month.

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