Tuesday, 14 April 2009

Easter Sunday and Monday

On Sunday we went to the In-Laws for a meal. This seemed like a good idea, but after 2 hours in the car and a few more sitting at the dining table "the wife" was in a fair amount of pain by the time we got home again. A nice meal: roast beef and all the trimmings, profiteroles for "afters". Nice not to cook too!
In the morning I noticed that Ancestry.com had identified a link between my father-in-law's grandfather on our tree and a person with the same details on another tree. That showed up a link that revealed what is probably my father-in-law's grandfather's wife's family back to the 18th century. We just need to verify a few points and then we can probably accept the link. It seems very well researched, so I don't think that will be an issue.
On Monday I did some more family history research. I found an article on the German Wikipedia that mentioned some of my ancestors and gave me the name of my 2x great grandfather - but not his dates, or his wife's name, or where he was born. But it's a start. My ancestors owned department stores in Germany before the war (until they were "Aryanised"in 1933 anyway) and German Wikipedia had an article about them. The research seems legitimate, and the other facts tie in with things I already know. I did some more digging and found another reference that gave me my great grandparent's address in Cologne before the war. A nice looking location - judging by Google Maps!

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