Thursday 25 December 2008

Christmas Day and recap of last night's TV

The Carol Service and Midnight Mass ended at 1 am, and we got home by 2 am.
I opened a bottle of port and we had some cheese. The cork broke on the port, so I had a few minutes fun straining the port through paper towels. There was loads of sediment too, so I took the opportunity to clear that too.

Got woken up at 9 am by the b&%^$%^g cat scratching on the door.

Yesterday before we went down to Portsmouth we watched a re-run of Heston Blumenthal's Perfect Christmas. This was shown last year but we missed it, this was a re-run opn UKTV Food. He made Christmas themed food: Gold Frankincense and Myrrh was a bouillon block covered in gold leaf, with Frankincense tea to disolve it to make the soup and a spoon whittled out of a piece of Myrrh. He made an apple sorbet that wouldn't melt when he set fire to it. For the main course he made Goose with Chestnuts, with scents of leather, wood smoke and chestnuts roasting. He'd fed the geese on pine tree extract. Then he finished with reindeer milk ice cream on a brioche slice with mincemeat and pancetta. The brioche was dipped in egg before being fried. So it looked like scrambled egg on toast with bacon. He fed the food to a group of "celebrities". Totally amazing stuff.

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