Thursday, 4 December 2008

Interview, LMA, WAN and LAN fun

Maria dropped me at the station so I got to London at about 8:30 yesterday. Went over to Piccadilly by underground/tube and then walked. I had a coffee in Starbucks and looked around Fortnum and Mason briefly. The interview was on the 1st floor of the Cavendish Hotel in Jermyn Street. I got there at 9:50 and he wasn't there. I rang him and got his voicemail. He arrived at 10 past 10. Interview seemed to go okay, but I heard today (Thursday) that I didn't get it. It was close apparently but they picked someone with more "financial services" experience.
I then went on to the London Metropolitan Archives and looked through the records for St Pancras and Woolwich for my Great, Great Grandfather and his family and for Maria's Great, Great Grandfather. I found my Great, Great Aunts and Uncle which is some help. My Gt Gt Grandfather was born just before they started recording births and his sisters and brother were christened in a new church built a couple of years after he was born. Very frustrating as I went through thousands of records for the old church.
As usual I had to wait for the bus at Liphook as I got the train that DOESN'T have a connecting bus service! It was VERY cold last night.
I went over the road today to help Sharon set up a wireless network as they have got a laptop for their son for his birthday. It took longer than I expected as I didn't realise at first that their home PC had a network port, but had no drivers installed. So I set it up and then found that I couldn't see the router. After going back to basics I traced that the network card wasn't working, found this was due to missing drivers, downloaded and installed them and then we were flying. The router had a bit of trouble being convinced that it should change it's SSID and password but it managed it in the end.
Tom came over to say thank you later on, which was nice of him.

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