Tuesday 9 December 2008

VB again

I did some more VB.net today, working through the online course.
I had an email from the sergeant at Whitehill asking me to call in about volunary work. So I went down there. He was a bit annoyed that the PCSO hadn't been in touch about the Neighbourhood Watch, walking round the street with me to sign up members. So I left it with him.
I hired a car for when the kids are over. Hertz had none left so I found a car hire comparison site and used that. I got quite a good deal I think, but we'll see when we pick it up.
Maria went to visit her sister who has just come out of hospital, She got admitted yesterday with an ectopic pregnancy, apparently all okay now. So Maria got home late and was tired. We watched "Spooks" and she fell asleep on me :-)

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