This BBC article reflects exactly some of the ideas that I wrote to my local library about earlier this year. I said they needed to use IT systems like Amazon to suggest books to people that they might like based on other people's borrowing.
The already allow you to order online - if you know the book you want. But they send you a postcard to tell you when your book is in stock!
They don't monitor the blogs, magazines and TV stations to make sure they have books in stock BEFORE they become popular, so they are always reactive and fail to be relevant.
The books are not selected for young adults. Most of them seem to be chosen for women too.
Maybe they should look into providing audio books on hire for a period of time using current formats like ebook readers and iPod/MP3 players rather than CD and cassette.
The reply from the head librarian that I received was dismissive, saying that my library received a regular update of new stock. Basically, too challenging for them to think about.
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