Tuesday 27 January 2009

Chatting, Linked In and Web Design

Garry came over today. We chatted about this and that and went through how he can edit his web site, maybe adding a blog to it. We also discussed Linked In.
David has done a great recommendation for me on Linked In, that's really nice of him.
I did some digging into the Trade Directories for London in 1840's. I found one from 1848 that lists "James Hamer" as a machinist - someone who works a sewing machine making shoes in all probability. This doesn't quite match the death certificate from 1849 that says "hatter" though. I'll have to look elsewhere for confirmation I've got the right person.
I got the spec for the 2nd Interview today as well. I need to do a presentation, answer a technical questionaire and face a panel. 

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