Thursday, 27 November 2008


I went off to Croydon for an interview yesterday.

I got there nice and early so I was able to walk around and enjoy the sights. The picture is of the "famous" "threepenny bit" building near East Croydon station. I think threepenny bits were phased out in the 1960s so that dates it a bit. The guy in the hoody looks a bit surprised that I was taking a picture.

I used to work in East Croydon, the shop has been converted into a solicitor's office. The buildings opposite have been knocked down and are to be re-developed as Ruskin Square / "Croydon Gateway" This second picture is a view from the station of the development area. At least the Warehouse Theatre will get a make over as part of the works.

Anyway, I've been invited back for a second interview next week which is nice.

I went by train, using the vouchers sent to me by SW Trains after the farce a few weeks back.
The local police Sergeant called me today. They've leafleted the street asking if anyone is interested, but the PCSO who was due to accompany me on a walk about tonight is off sick so I guess we'll do it another day.

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