On the 27th October we sent off for Maria's new driving licence - to get it updated with her new nam and add a new photo.
We picked up the wedding photo album from Coole Media on 29th October. It looks great. Nigel has done a great job on it.
After getting the album we went down to Lyme to stay with mum, unfortunately we had a small car accident shortly after Ringwood. The car in front of us (a BMW) was "tail-gating" the van in front if it. In short, the van stopped abruptly, the BMW in front of us stopped, released his brakes and then stopped again. Our car went into the back of the BMW. The BMW driver apologised, he said that his brakes "locked" but despite that it was "our fault" as we went into the back of his car. Not much damage to his car though. We were able to keep going to visit Mum, but called the insurers from the McDonalds at Dorchester. We then arranged to swap over the courtesy car on Saturday morning between 10 and 12.
After visiting Mum for a couple of days we went to Wells for Halloween.
We left early the next morning to get home to swap the car. We got home at 9:45. The driver arived at 10:00. He'd arrived early but had gone off for a cup of tea while waiting for us. The loan car is a Mitsubishi Colt. Slight panic as Maria's driving licence hadn't come back from the DVLA yet, but they accepted the driver number only. Luckily the DVLA's form told us to keep a record of it.
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